ASNITE-certified Reference Materials​

ASNITE-accredited reference materials are certified reference materials from producers of reference materials certified under the ASNITE certification program operated by IAJapan.​ ​

Based on international standards such as ISO/IEC 17025, the National Institute of Technology and Evaluation International Accreditation Japan (NITE IAJAPAN), which certifies laboratories, calibration bodies, etc. operates multiple certification systems. Among them, there are two certification programs related to standard material producers: the "Japan Calibration Service System (JCSS)", a registration/certification program based on the Measurement Act; and "ASNITE", a certification program to supplement areas that cannot be covered by other certification programs based on domestic laws. For ASNITE-certified reference materials, Fujifilm Wako has a product line of 2 different specifications (normal solutions for JP general tests, TraceSure®). These reference materials have assured metrological traceability (SI traceable), and their accredited values are internationally acceptable through the MRA of APAC.​

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Fujifilm Wako’s ASNITE-certified reference materials​

Based on international standards such as ISO/IEC 17025, the National Institute of Technology and Evaluation International Accreditation Japan (NITE IAJAPAN), which certifies laboratories, calibration bodies, etc. operates multiple certification systems. Among them, there are two certification programs related to standard material producers: the “Japan Calibration Service System (JCSS)”, a registration/certification program based on the Measurement Act; and “ASNITE”, a certification program to supplement areas that cannot be covered by other certification programs based on domestic laws. ASNITE-accredited reference materials are certified reference materials from producers of reference materials certified under the ASNITE certification program operated by IAJapan. The accredited values described in the certificate of accreditation are internationally acceptable through the MRA of APAC and ILAC.​ ​
Fujifilm Wako offers a wide range of ASNITE-certified reference materials as described below. ​

Mixed standard solutions for automatic amino acid analysis​

This product utilizes traceable reference materials (TRMs), which are Fujifilm Wako’s reference materials traceable to NMIJ CRM or International System of Units (SI), as raw material for amino acids. By transferring the precise preparation system for mixed standard solutions from NMIJ to Fujifilm Wako, and conducing long-term stability data acquisition and concentration confirmation tests after preparation, we have established a production system for reference materials based on ISO 17034.The use of accredited reference materials as mixed amino acid standard solutions make it possible to perform more reliable amino acid measurement.​

Normal solutions for the Japanese Pharmacopoeia General Tests​

Solutions prepared at the specified molar concentration are used as the standard solutions for volumetric analysis, such as titration. Normal solutions for Japanese Pharmacopoeia General Tests are standard solutions of precisely confirmed concentration. These solutions are prepared and standardized according to the Japanese Pharmacopoeia. A certificate of accreditation with a certification symbol guaranteeing the concentration is issued.


This is a series of reference materials accompanied by a certificate whose characteristic value (purity) has been determined by adding the uncertainty determined from the homogeneity and stability evaluation by Fujifilm Wako to the purity assigned by NMIJ using a SI-traceable measurement method. The characteristic value of these reference materials is traceable to SI through the analytical value of NMIJ and capable of expressing metrological traceability.

Grade​ Normal solutions for
the Japanese Pharmacopoeia
General Tests​
Category​ Normal solution for
volumetric analysis​
Standard reagent for
volumetric analysis​
- PesticideStandard
- QuantitativeNMR​
Certification program to supplement areas that cannot be covered by othercertification programs based on domestic laws.​
TraceSure® NMIJ CRM​ NMIJ calibration​
Traceability​ SI Traceable​
MRA​ Support​

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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