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LabAssay (TM) NEFA

Manufacturer :
FUJIFILM Wako Shibayagi Corporation
Storage Condition :
Keep at 2-10 degrees C.
  • Structural Formula
  • Label
  • Packing
Product Number
Package Size
List Price
408.00 USD

In stock


Package Insert
Spectral Data
Certificate of Analysis
Calibration Certificate

Kit component

Kit component

Chromogen Reagent A for 10 mL x 4 vials
Solvent A 45 mL x 1 vial
Chromogen Reagent B for 20 mL x 4 vials
Solvent B 90 mL x 1 vial
Standard Solution  (1mEq/L of Oleic acid) *amount of oleic acid; 1mEq=1mmol 7 mL x 1 vial


※For research purposes only with animal serum/plasma, Not for Diagnostic Use.


NEFA (Non‐esterified fatty acid) in the blood is transported complexed with an albumin to peripheral tissues. They are important sources of fuel for the peripheral tissues. The concentration of NEFA in the blood is regulated by a release from the adipose tissues, a consumption in the periphral tissues or a take up from the liver.

Assay principle

NEFA (Non‐esterified fatty acid) forms Acyl-CoA in the presence of Acyl-CoA synthetase (ACS). Hydrogen peroxide, which is produced by a reaction between the Acyl-CoA and Acyl-CoA oxidase (ACOD), promotes oxidative condensation of 3-methyl-N-ethyl-N-(β-hydroxyethyl)-aniline (MEHA) with 4-aminoantipyrine. LabAssay™ NEFA can be used for the quantitative determination of NEFA in samples by measuring absorbance of a blue purple color which is generated by the oxidative condensation reaction.

  • Performance

    Sample Serum, plasma(Mouse, Rat, dog, cat)
    Standard curve range 0.4~1.97 mEq/L
    Measurement time approx. 20 min.
    Amount of sample 4 μL
    Measurement wavelength 550 nm
  • Standard Curve



Assay in a microplate
Perform the assay in the wells according to the following table scheme.

No. Standard Solution Distilled or deionized water Sample volume Concentration
1 80 µL 120 µL 4 μL 0.40 mEq/L
2 120 µL 80 µL 4 μL 0.60 mEq/L
3 160 µL 40 µL 4 μL 0.80 mEq/L
4 Undiluted - 4 μL 1.00 mEq/L
5 Undiluted - 8 μL 1.97 mEq/L*1

*1: The test sample volume is usually 4 μL, but 8 μL is taken in this case. The NEFA concentration must be corrected accordingly as indicated in the table above.


Spike-and-Recovery Test

Spike and Recovery Test of NEFA, a known amount of standard is spiked into in mouse and rat sample n=2.

  • Rat Sample

    Serum - 0.57    
    0.40 1.00 0.43 106.4%
    0.61 1.21 0.65 106.2%
    0.78 1.40 0.83 106.4%
    1.01 1.57 1.01 99.7%
    - 0.41    
    0.40 0.86 0.45 111.5%
    0.61 1.07 0.66 108.5%
    0.78 1.27 0.86 109.5%
    1.01 1.44 1.02 101.4%
  • Mouse Sample

    Serum - 0.70    
    0.40 1.07 0.37 91.7%
    0.61 1.31 0.61 100.1%
    0.78 1.44 0.74 94.5%
    1.01 1.62 0.92 91.3%
    - 0.62    
    0.40 0.99 0.37 92.5%
    0.61 1.29 0.68 111.5%
    0.78 1.38 0.77 97.8%
    1.01 1.62 1.00 99.1%

Linearity-of-Dilution Test

  • Rat sample

  • Mouse sample

  • D-MEM/10% FBS


Examples of measurement

  • 20% Diluted Nomal Mouse serum, CD-1(ICR), male
    No. Mean (mEq/L) SD CV(%)
    1 1.118 0.001 0.1
    2 0.788 0.007 0.9
    3 0.715 0.022 3.1
    4 0.794 0.002 0.2
    5 0.829 0.005 0.6
  • Nomal Mouse plasma K2EDTA, CD-1(ICR), male
    No. Mean SD CV(%)
    1 *0.309 0.002 0.6
    2 *0.320 0.002 0.6
    3 *0.205 0.004 2.0
    4 *0.179 0.008 4.6
    5 *0.305 0.017 5.6
  • 10% Diluted Nomal Rat serum, Sprague Dawley, male
    No. Mean SD CV(%)
    1 *0.300 0 0.0
    2 *0.371 0.004 1.1
    3 *0.289 0.017 5.8
    4 *0.365 0 0.1
    5 *0.382 0.029 7.6
  • Nomal Rat plasma K2EDTA, Sprague Dawley, male
    No. Mean SD CV(%)
    1 *0.333 0.004 1.2
    2 *0.356 0.003 0.8
    3 *0.325 0.020 6.0
    4 *0.218 0.005 2.6
    5 0.515 0.010 1.9
  • Nomal Canine serum, Beagle, male 
    No. Mean (mEq/L) SD CV(%) Age(years)
    1 0.656 0.0027 0.4 4
    2 0.665 0.0320 4.8 6
    3 0.425 0.0090 2.0 6
    4 *0.38 0.0057 1.5 11
    5 0.882 0.0070 0.8 12
    6 0.599 0.0060 1.1 6
    7 1.006 0.0267 2.7 10
    8 0.506 0.0060 1.2 4
  • Nomal Canine plasma EDTA, Beagle, male
    No. Mean (mEq/L) SD CV(%) Age(years)
    1 0.442 0.0033 0.7 4
    2 0.427 0.0110 2.6 6
    3 *0.308 0.0037 1.2 10
    4 0.478 0.0123 2.6 12
    5 0.473 0.0050 1.0 6
    6 *0.367 0.0047 1.2 11
    7 0.780 0.0133 1.7 10
    8 0.411 0.0387 9.4 12
  • Nomal Feline serum, Short hair, male
    No. Mean (mEq/L) SD CV(%) Age(years)
    1 0.717 0.0117 1.6 3
    2 0.635 0.0100 1.6 3
    3 1.004 0.0053 0.5 6
    4 0.981 0.0093 0.9 4
    5 0.636 0.0170 2.7 6
    6 1.193 0.0267 2.3 6
    7 1.022 0.0893 8.8 1
    8 *0.382 0.0157 4.1 1
  • Nomal Feline plasma EDTA, Short hair, male 
    No. Mean (mEq/L) SD CV(%) Age(years)
    1 1.099 0.0103 0.9 0.5
    2 *0.174 0.0033 2.0 1
    3 *0.241 0.0043 1.7 3
    4 *0.320 0.0067 2.2 0.5
    5 *0.359 0.0060 1.7 3
    6 *0.197 0.0120 6.2 3
    7 *0.215 0.0240 11.1 0.5
    8 *0.131 0.0160 12.3 1


Kobayashi, Y. et al. : J. Pharmacogn. Nat. Prod., online (2015). Effects of Morus alba L. (Mulberry) Leaf Extract in Hypercholesterolemic Mice on Suppression of Cholesterol Synthesis *Extraction liquid of mouse liver

Gao, F. et al. : Evid. Based Complement. Alternat. Med., 2015, 801291 (2015). Effect of Keishibukuryogan on Genetic and Dietary Obesity Models *Extraction liquid of rat liver

Ogawa, K. et al. : Reprod. Med. Biol., online (2018). Non-esterified fatty acid-associated ability of follicular fluid to support porcine oocyte maturation and development *Pig cumulus-oocyte complexes

Wang, F. et al. : J. Mol. Endocrinol., 52, 133 (2014). LGR4 acts as a link between the peripheral circadian clock and lipid metabolism in liver *Mouse plasma

Uchida, K. et al. : Exp. Anim., 58, 181 (2009). Hyperlipidemia and hyperinsulinemia in the spontaneous osteoarthritis mouse model, STR/Ort *Mouse serum

Overview / Applications


Manufacturer Information


For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

If the revision of product standards and packaging standards has been made, there is a case where the actual product specifications and images are different.


Hours of Operation: 8:00 - 17:00 (EST)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.