Derivatization reagent for LC/MS analysis of D/L-amino acids (chiral amino acids)

(R)-BiAC Method (Chiral Amino Acid LC/MS Analysis)

Amino acids are compounds that occur widely in living organisms and in nature. Amino acids include the enantiomers L-amino acid and D-amino acid, most of which exist as L-amino acids. In recent years, it has been revealed that D-amino acids, which exist in trace amounts, have functionalities such as involvement in memory and learning ability1), and it has become increasingly important to analyze them separately from L-amino acids. (R)-BiAC is a derivatization reagent for LC/MS analysis of D/L-amino acids (chiral amino acids) using a pre-column derivatization method. By using (R)-BiAC and the Derivatization Reagents Set, chiral amino acid analysis can be performed with high resolution and in a short time (19 min.), without the use of specialized equipment.

  1. Hashimoto, A., Oka, T.: Prog. Neurobiol., 52, 325 (1997).


  • Chiral amino acids (D-amino acids / L-amino acids) can be analyzed by LC/MS without using a dedicated equipment!
    Derivatization with (R)-BiAC on a pre-column allows chiral amino acids (D-amino acids / L-amino acids) to be measured by LC/MS without the use of dedicated equipment.
  • Simultaneous analysis of 20 D/L-amino acids in about 19 minutes!
    Simultaneous analysis of multi-chiral amino acids (D-amino acids / L-amino acids) can be performed in a short time.
  • Chiral amino acids can be detected with high sensitivity!
    The high ionization efficiency of (R)-BiAC derivatized amino acids in MS allows detection of chiral amino acids (D-amino acids / L-amino acids) with a sensitivity at the atto mol level.
  • A dedicated reagents set for derivatization is available!
    The use of the pre-prepared (R)-BiAC Derivatization Reagents Set makes the derivatization process easier.

Derivatization Procedure Using (R)-BiAC Derivatization Reagents Set

Content of the (R)-BiAC Derivatization Reagents Set

Code No. Product Name Volume Amount
293-86011 Buffer for (R)-BiAC 3 mL 1
290-86021 Reaction Terminator 10 mL 1

Complementary products in addition to the (R)-BiAC Derivatization Reagents Set

Code No. Product Name Grade
012-19851 Acetonitrile for LC/MS
025-19761 (R)-BiAC for Amino Acid Analysis
235-64051 Wakopak® Ultra APDS TAG® φ2.1 mm × 100 mm (D) -

Preparation of reagent

03157_img02.png 1. (R)-BiAC solution
Rinse the entire bottle of (R)-BiAC with 1-2 mL of Acetonitrile and transfer the solution into another container. Add Acetonitrile until the total volume becomes 5 mL and mix until it completely dissolved.*
*After dividing the prepared solution into the required number, store it at -20℃, avoid repeated freezing and thawing, and use it as soon as possible. It can be stored at -20℃ for about a week.
03157_img03.png 2. Buffer for (R)-BiAC-acetonitrile solution
Add 3 mL of Acetonitrile to the Buffer for (R)-BiAC container and mix.



  1. Sample 15 μL + Buffer for (R)-BiAC-acetonitrile solution 30 μL + (R)-BiAC solution 10 μL (Derivatized solution)
  2. Pipetting x 5


  1. Stirring
  2. Heating (55℃, 10 min.)
  3. Cooling (r.t.)

Stop the reaction

  1. Derivatized solution + Reaction Terminator 100 μL

LC/MS measurement

Analysis Example of Chiral Amino Acids in Human Urine*

Pretreatment conditions

  1. Sample/Standard solution 20 μL + Internal standard solution 20 μL + Acetonitrile 40 μL
  2. Stirring
  3. Certrifugation (20,000 × g, 10 min.)

Collection of supernatant


Analysis example of 13 chiral amino acids (HPLC column: Wakopak® Ultra APDS TAG®)

LC/MS/MS Chromatogram (standard solution (D-amino acid: 5 μM L-amino acid: 50 μM))


LC/MS/MS Chromatogram (human urine sample)

Constituent Monitoring Ions (m/z) Constituent Monitoring Ions (m/z) Constituent Monitoring Ions (m/z)
Precursor Product Precursor Product Precursor Product
D-Asn 427 295.1 L-Glu 443 295.1 L-Met 445 295.1
L-Asn 428 295.1 D-allo-Thr 414 295.1 D-allo-Ile 426 295.1
D-Gln 441 295.1 L-Thr 415 295.1 L-Ile 427 295.1
L-Gln 442 295.1 D-Ala 384.1 295.1 D-Leu 426 295.1
D-Ser 400 295.1 L-Ala 385.1 295.1 L-Leu 427 295.1
L-Ser 401 295.1 D-Tyr 476 295.1 D-Phe 460.1 295.1
Gly 371 295.1 L-Tyr 477 295.1 L-Phe 461.1 295.1
D-Asp 428.2 295.1 D-Val 412 295.1 D-Trp 499 295.1
L-Asp 429.2 295.1 L-Val 413 295.1 L-Trp 500 295.1
D-Glu 442 295.1 D-Met 444 295.1

Shimadzu Nexera X2 HPLC System / Sciex Triple QuadTM 6500

Wakopak® Ultra APDS TAG® φ2.1 mm × 100 mm (D)
Column temperature
A) 0.1% HCOOH in 10 mM HCOONH3 aq., B) 95% CH3CN in H2O
Time (min.) B conc. (%)
0-3 14-16
3-14.3 16-33
14.3-17 33-45
17-17.1 45-90
17.1-18 90
18-18.1 90-14
18.1-20 14
Flow rate
0.4 mL/min.

Analysis Example of Chiral Amino Acids in Lactic Acid Beverages*

Pretreatment conditions

  1. Sample/Standard solution 20 μL + Internal standard solution 20 μL + Acetonitrile 40 μL
  2. Stirring
  3. Certrifugation (20,000 × g, 10 min.)

Collection of supernatant


Analysis example of 13 chiral amino acids (HPLC column: Wakopak® Ultra APDS TAG®)

LC/MS/MS Chromatogram (standard solution (D-amino acid: 5 μM L-amino acid: 50 μM))


LC/MS/MS Chromatogram (lactobacillus acid beverage sample)

Constituent Monitoring Ions (m/z) Constituent Monitoring Ions (m/z) Constituent Monitoring Ions (m/z)
Precursor Product Precursor Product Precursor Product
D-Asn 427 295.1 L-Glu 443 295.1 L-Met 445 295.1
L-Asn 428 295.1 D-allo-Thr 414 295.1 D-allo-Ile 426 295.1
D-Gln 441 295.1 L-Thr 415 295.1 L-Ile 427 295.1
L-Gln 442 295.1 D-Ala 384.1 295.1 D-Leu 426 295.1
D-Ser 400 295.1 L-Ala 385.1 295.1 L-Leu 427 295.1
L-Ser 401 295.1 D-Tyr 476 295.1 D-Phe 460.1 295.1
Gly 371 295.1 L-Tyr 477 295.1 L-Phe 461.1 295.1
D-Asp 428.2 295.1 D-Val 412 295.1 D-Trp 499 295.1
L-Asp 429.2 295.1 L-Val 413 295.1 L-Trp 500 295.1
D-Glu 442 295.1 D-Met 444 295.1

Shimadzu Nexera X2 HPLC System / Sciex Triple QuadTM 6500

Wakopak® Ultra APDS TAG® φ2.1 mm × 100 mm (D)
Column temperature
A) 0.1% HCOOH in 10 mM HCOONH3 aq., B) 95% CH3CN in H2O
Time (min.) B conc. (%)
0-3 14-16
3-14.3 16-33
14.3-17 33-45
17-17.1 45-90
17.1-18 90
18-18.1 90-14
18.1-20 14
Flow rate
0.4 mL/min.

* These data is an example of analysis. Ion source parameters, etc. may differ depending on the instrument used.


  1. Harada, M. and Karakawa, S. et al.: J. Chromatogr. A, 1593, 91 (2019).
  2. Harada, M. and Karakawa, S. et. al.: Wako Junyaku Jiho, 87 (1), 5 (2019).
  3. Harada, M. and Karakawa, S. et. al.: Symmetry, 12, 913 (2020).

Product List

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Derivatization reagents

HPLC Column

Mixture Standard Solutions

*For composition information, please click here.

Internal Standard Mixture Solution

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

If the revision of product standards and packaging standards has been made, there is a case where the actual product specifications and images are different.


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