In vitro 薬物間相互作用評価などに
CYP450-GP社 ヒトCYP特異的阻害抗体

コントロールと7種類のCYP阻害抗体がセットになったCYP ImmunoInhibit Kit を使用することで、ヒト肝ミクロソーム(Human Liver Microsome:HLM)を用いたリアクションフェノタイピング(薬物代謝に関与するCYP分子種の同定)を簡便に行うことが可能です。
- Newton, D. J., et al., "Cytochrome P450 inhibitors. Evaluation of specificities in the in vitrometabolism of therapeutic agents by human liver microsomes"., Drug Metab. Dipos., 23(1), 154~158 (1995).
- Hirani, V., et al., "Conversion of the HIV protease inhibitor nelfinavir to a bioactive metabolite by human liver CYP2C19"., Drug Metab. Dipos., 32(12), 1462~1467 (2004).

メーカーコード | 品名 | 抗原由来動物 | 免疫動物 | 種別 | 交差性 | 適用 | 容量 |
Hu-A000 | Preimmune IgG | - | Rabbit | - | - | - | 1 mg |
Hu-A001 | Anti-human CYP2A6 IgG | Human | Rabbit | Polyclonal | Human/Mouse/Rat | Neutralizing, Western Blot | 1 mg |
Hu-A002 | Anti-human CYP2E1 IgG | Human | Rabbit | Polyclonal | Human/Mouse/Rat | Neutralizing, Western Blot | 1 mg |
Hu-A003 | Anti-human CYP2C9 IgG, Polyclonal | Human | Rabbit | Polyclonal | Human/Mouse/Rat | Neutralizing, Western Blot | 1 mg |
Hu-A003M | Anti-human CYP2C9 IgG, Monoclonal | Human | Mouse | Monoclonal | Human | Neutralizing, Western Blot | 0.1 mg |
Hu-A004 | Anti-human CYP2C8 IgG, Monoclonal | Human | Mouse | Monoclonal | Human/Mouse/Rat | Neutralizing, Western Blot | 0.1 mg |
Hu-A005 | Anti-human CYP3A4 IgG | Human | Rabbit | Polyclonal | Human | Neutralizing, Western Blot | 1 mg |
Hu-A005P | Anti-human CYP3A4 peptide IgG | Human | Rabbit | Polyclonal | Human | Neutralizing, Western Blot | 1 mg |
Hu-A006 | Anti-human CYP4F+ IgG | Human | Rabbit | Polyclonal | Human | Neutralizing, Western Blot | 1 mg |
Hu-A007 | Anti-human CYP4A11 IgG | Human | Rabbit | Polyclonal | Human/Rat | Neutralizing, Western Blot | 1 mg |
Hu-A008 | Anti-human CYP2C19 IgG | Human | Rabbit | Polyclonal | Human | Neutralizing, Western Blot | 1 mg |
Hu-A009 | Anti-human CYP2D6 IgG | Human | Rabbit | Polyclonal | Human | Neutralizing, Western Blot | 1 mg |
Hu-A010 | Anti-human CYP1A2 IgG, Polyclonal | Human | Rabbit | Polyclonal | Human | Neutralizing, Western Blot | 1 mg |
Hu-A010M | Anti-human CYP1A2 IgG, Monoclonal | Human | Mouse | Monoclonal | Human | Neutralizing, Western Blot | 0.1 mg |
Hu-A012 | Anti-human CYP2B6 IgG, Monoclonal | Human | Mouse | Monoclonal | Human | Neutralizing, Western Blot | 0.1 mg |
メーカーコード | 品名 | 容量 |
Hu-A011A | CYP ImmunoInhibit Kit(1mg size) | 1 kit |
Hu-A011B | CYP ImmunoInhibit Kit(2mg size) | 1 kit |
抗体(単品メーカーコード) | キット中容量 | プローブ基質/反応 | 阻害の程度 | |
Hu-A011A | Hu-A011B | |||
Anti-CYP1A2(Hu-A010M) | 0.1 mg [Yellow cap] |
0.2 mg [Yellow cap] |
Phenacetin O-Deethylase | >85% at 0.04 mg IgG/mg HLM |
Anti-CYP2B6(Hu-A012) | 0.1 mg [White cap] |
0.2 mg [White cap] |
Bupropion Hydroxylase | >85% at 0.075 mg IgG/mg HLM |
Anti-CYP2C8(Hu-A004) | 0.1 mg [Blue cap] |
0.2 mg [Blue cap] |
Paclitaxel 6α-Hydroxylase | >85% at 0.04 mg IgG/mg HLM |
Anti-CYP2C9(Hu-A003M) | 0.1 mg [Pink cap] |
0.2 mg [Pink cap] |
Diclofenac 4'-Hydroxylase | >80% at 0.075 mg IgG/mg HLM |
Anti-CYP2C19(Hu-A008) | 1 mg [Orange cap] |
2 mg [Orange cap] |
(S)-mephenytoin 4' Hydroxylase | >90% at 1.0 mg IgG/mg HLM |
Anti-CYP2D6(Hu-A009) | 1 mg [Green cap] |
2 mg [Green cap] |
Dexrtromethorphan O-Demethylase | >80% at 2.0 mg IgG/mg HLM |
Anti-CYP3A4(Hu-A005) | 1 mg [Red cap] |
2 mg [Red cap] |
Nifedipine Oxidation | >85% at 2.0 mg IgG/mg HLM |
Preimmune(Hu-A000) | 2 mg [Clear cap] |
4 mg [Clear cap] |
- | - |
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