Human βAmyloid(1-40)ELISA Kit Wako Ⅱ
- for Immunochemistry
- Manufacturer :
- FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation
- Storage Condition :
- Keep at 2-10 degrees C.
- Label
Product Number
Package Size
In stock in Japan |
Kit component
For 96 tests
Antibody (BAN50)-coated Microtiter Plate (Anti Human Aβ [1-16] MoAb [Clone No. BAN50]) | 1 plate |
Standard Solution (Human βAmyloid [1-40], 100 pmol/L) | 2 mL x 2 |
Standard Diluent Solution | 30 mL x 1 |
Wash Solution (20x) | 50 mL x 1 |
HRP-conjugated Antibody (BA27) Solution (Anti Human Aβ [1-40] MoAb [Clone No. BA27] F(ab’)2-HRP) | 12 mL x 1 |
TMB Solution | 12 mL x 1 |
Stop Solution | 12 mL x 1 |
Plate Seal | 3 sheets |
The ELISA kit enables highly sensitive quantification of amyloid β protein (1-40), which has been associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Amyloid β (Aβ) is a peptide mainly composed of 40 or 42 amino acid residues. In Alzheimer’s disease, Aβ aggregates and is deposited in the brain; thus, abnormal production and accumulation of Aβ have been linked to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
The F(ab)’2 fragment of the antibody (BA27) is used to recognize the C-terminal of Aβ40. As a result, non-specific binding is minimized and the stability in terms of antigen-antibody reaction has improved compared with the conventional kit*. Thus, the antibody has an improved stability even during the washing step.
Improvements from the conventional kit
- Improved stability of antigen-antibody reaction as a result of the use of F(ab)’2 fragment of the antibody (BA27) to recognize the C-terminal.
- Lower background signal for human/rats (about 1/3 of the conventional kit).
*Human β Amyloid(1-40) ELISA Kit Wako (Code No. 292-62301)
Correlation with the conventional kit
Normal Human Plasma (A-H) were measured using the ELISA Kit Wako Ⅱand the conventional kit. The obtained results were equivalent for the two kits.
Standard curve
Standard curves were prepared using the standard solution included in the kit.
※2-hr reaction with the HRP-conjugated antibody
Specificity test
Sample | Cross-reactivity(%) |
Human Aβ(1-40) | 100.0 |
Human Aβ(1-42) | ≦0.1 |
Human Aβ(1-43) | ≦0.1 |
Rat(Mouse) Aβ(1-40) | 0.2 |
Rat(Mouse) Aβ(1-42) | 0.3 |
Overview / Applications
Outline | This product is for research use only. Do not administer it to human.
These ELISA kits are detection kits that achieve more stable antigen-antibody reactions by using F(ab')2 fragment of the labeled antibody BA27, which recognizes the C-terminal of beta Amyloid 40, while the nonspecific binding is remaining to be reduced. Therefore, the stability in washing solution is improved. In Human/Rat kit, background is reduced. *1: beta Amyloid (x-40) is beta Amyloid peptide modified or cleaved at the N-terminal. [Features]
[Kit Contents]
The product information is shown on the page #7 of Wako Product Update No. 17. |
For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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