Human/Rat β Amyloid(42) ELISA Kit Wako, High Sensitive
- for Immunochemistry
- Manufacturer :
- FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation
- Storage Condition :
- Keep at 2-10 degrees C.
- Label
Product Number
Package Size
In stock |
Kit component
For 96 tests
Antibody (BNT77)-coated Microtiter Plate (Anti Human Aβ [11-28] MoAb [Clone No. BNT77]) | 1 plate |
Standard Solution (Human βAmyloid [1-42], 20 pmol/L) | 2 mL x 2 |
Standard Diluent Solution | 30 mL x 1 |
Wash Solution (20x) | 50 mL x 1 |
HRP-conjugated Antibody (BC05) Solution (Anti Human Aβ [35-43] MoAb [Clone No. BC05] Fab’-HRP) | 12 mL x 1 |
TMB Solution | 12 mL x 1 |
Stop Solution | 12 mL x 1 |
Plate Seal | 3 sheets |
The ELISA kit enables highly sensitive quantification of β amyloid (x-42), which has been associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
The detection sensitivity of the kit is about 10 times higher than that of the conventional kit, with the standard curve range of 0.1-20.0 pmol/L. As with the conventional kit, non-specific binding is minimized by using Fab’ monoclonal antibody.
- Enables quantification of Aβ (x-42) with high sensitivity (standard curve range: 0.1-20.0 pmol/L).
- Has a low level of non-specific binding since Fab’ fragment of the antibody (BC05) is used to recognize the C-terminal.
- Consists of a highly specific monoclonal antibody developed by Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Ltd..
Standard curve
Standard curves were prepared using the standard solution included in the kit. The curves resembled a straight line between 0.1-20.0 pmol/L.
Spike-and-recovery test
The recovery rate (measured/ theoretical, %) was measured by adding 5, 10, or 20 pmol/L of Aβ to plasma and making 4-fold dilutions. Each sample had a high rate of recovery.
Dilution linearity test
Normal Human Plasma (A, C, E) were diluted 2-16 folds to determine the dilution linearity. Human/Rat Aβ exhibited linear dilution.
Specificity test
Sample | Cross-reactivity (%) |
Human Aβ(1-40) | ≦0.1 |
Human Aβ(1-42) | 100.0 |
Human Aβ(1-43) | 12.7 |
Rat(Mouse) Aβ(1-40) | ≦0.1 |
Rat(Mouse) Aβ(1-42) | 156.0 |
Application data
Measurements in human and mouse plasma
Blood samples collected in evacuated blood collection tubes with K2EDTA were centrifuged for 15 min. at 5,000 x g and 4°C. Plasma was isolated and kept in -80°C until use.
The plasma samples were diluted 4-fold using the standard dilution solution contained in the kit prior to the measurements.
(※Human βAmyloid(1-40) ELISA Kit Wako II (Cat. No. 298-64601) and Human/Rat βAmyloid(40) ELISA Kit Wako II (Cat. No. 294-64701) were used for the measurements of Aβ [1-40] and Aβ [x-40]).
Measurements in the mouse brain
The brain hemisphere of a 12-week-old APP transgenic mouse (J20) was homogenized with 2 mL Tris-buffered Saline and kept in -20°C until use.
The extract was diluted 2-fold using the standard diluent solution contained in the kit prior to the measurements.
A small amount of Aβ was detected in samples from both transgenic (tg) and wild-type (wt) mice.
(Data provided by: Drs. Iwatsubo and Hashimoto, Department of Neuropathology, Graduate School of Medicine, University of Tokyo)
Overview / Applications
Outline | This product is for research use only. Do not administer it to human.
These ELISA kits detecting beta amyloid (1-42) and (x-42)* that ensure highly sensitive detection. These beta amyloids are indicated to have a correlation with Alzheimer's disease. Detection sensitivity of the kits is about 10 times higher than that of the existing productsand the dynamic range is from 0.1 to 20 pmol/L. Fab' fragment of the labeled antibody is used as well as so that the nonspecific binding is reduced. *: beta Amyloid (x-42) is beta Amyloid peptide modified or cleaved at the N-terminal.
[Kit Contents]
For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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