Household Goods (Toys, Food Apparatuses, and Packaging Containers)​

Since tableware, cookware, and packaging materials come in direct contact with foods, this poses the risk that the chemical substances, etc. contained in these items may leach into food. It is thus necessary to ensure that such substances do not contaminate foods. For toys, which may be licked or swallowed by infants, standards have been established to prevent ingestion of hazardous substance that could compromise health.​

Fujifilm Wako has a wide range of reagents for the analysis of food containers and toys.

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

If the revision of product standards and packaging standards has been made, there is a case where the actual product specifications and images are different.


Hours of Operation: 8:00 - 17:00 (EST)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.