Standard HPLC column

Wakopak® Wakosil® C18 Series

Wakopak® Wakosil® series is a column packed with a completely spherical, porous, silica gel-based packing agent for HPLC. Wakopak® Wakosil® series assortment focuses on columns of different separation modes, especially reverse-phase distribution ODS packing agents, Wakopak® Wakosil® C18 series.


High-endcapping type

ODS bond and endcapping treatments are performed FUJIFILM Wako’s unique surface treatment technology. Excellent peak shape and reproducibility are obtained for various samples, ranging from acidic to basic.

  • Wakopak® Wakosil® C18 type (5C18, 7C18, 10C18)
    It is a high-retention capability/high-resolution type with a carbon content of 20%, which is particularly effective for samples of high polarity and weak retention.
  • Wakopak® Wakosil® 5C18 AR
    It is a polymeric ODS packing agent that minimizes ODS leakage and shows excellent durability, even under acidic mobile phases and water-rich conditions.
  • Wakopak® Wakosil® C18-200 type (5C18-200, 10C18-200)
    The carbon content is as low as 12%, and rapid analysis can be performed. However, the resolution is almost equivalent to that of the Wakopak® Wakosil® C18 type, and high resolution is maintained.

Endcapping type

  • Wakopak® Wakosil® 5C18T, 5C18-200T
    Endcapping is performed after ODS bond, but a small amount of silanol group remains. It is useful when using reverse-phase distribution and slight silanol adsorption for separation, such as with glycosides and medical products. For neutral samples, this product exhibits retention characteristics similar to those of the high-endcapping type.

Non-endcapping type

  • Wakopak® Wakosil® 5C18N, 5C18-200N
    The silica gel surface is maximally ODS-bonded, but endcapping is not performed. It is a packing agent with more silanol group adsorptive property than the Wakopak® Wakosil®-T type.
    In addition, the residual silanol content of Wakopak® Wakosil® 5C18N is higher than that of 5C18-200N due to the physical properties of silica gel, resulting in higher adsorptive effects.
    It is useful for separation analysis of positional isomers or compounds with similar structures.

Comparison of endcapping test



Bufosteroid analysis


Phthalic acid analysis


Analysis of leukotrienes


Product List

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Wakopak® Wakosil® 5C18

High-endcapping type

Wakopak® Wakosil® 5C18T

Endcapping type

Wakopak® Wakosil® 5C18N

Non-endcapping type

Wakopak® Wakosil® 7C18

High-endcapping type

Wakopak® Wakosil® 10C18

High-endcapping type

Wakopak® Wakosil® 5C18AR

High-endcapping type

Wakopak® Wakosil® 5C18-200

High-endcapping type

Wakopak® Wakosil® 5C18-200T

Endcapping type

Wakopak® Wakosil® 5C18-200N

Non-endcapping type

Wakopak® Wakosil® 10C18-200

High-endcapping type

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

If the revision of product standards and packaging standards has been made, there is a case where the actual product specifications and images are different.


Hours of Operation: 8:00 - 17:00 (EST)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.