C18 column pursuing cost performance

Wakopak® Handy ODS, Wakopak® eco-ODS

Wakopak® Handy ODS is an ODS (C18) column pursuing cost performance and ease of use. Wakopak® Handy ODS are ensured sufficient performance to respond to advanced analyses at low prices. Furthermore, to pay attention to the environment, we are simplifying packing.

Wakopak® eco-ODS is an HPLC column packed with a high-quality ODS packing agent synthesized with high-purity silica gel. It can be used as a general-purpose ODS column for the analysis of various samples. In addition, it has been optimized for routine analysis etc. by limiting the size of the column to attain cost-effective pricing.
Wakopak® eco-ODS is recommended for those who are considering cost reduction.

Wakopak® Handy ODS


  • Secure sufficient performance for advanced analysis
    4.6 mm x 150 mm: N= more than 12,000
    4.6 mm x 250 mm: N= more than 20,000
  • High-purity silica gel is used and is optimal for the separation of metal coordination compounds
  • Alredy endcapped, it is optimal for basic compound separation
  • Compatible with a wide range of analyses to provide typical retention capabilities by monomeric ODS
  • Improves column life by low column pressure
  • Low cost similar to that of guard column
  • Rapid flow rate
    [Physical properties] mean particle size: 6 μm, mean pore size: 12 nm, %C (carbon content): 16%



Essential performance data for Wakopak® Handy ODS

Essential performance evaluation data of column

  • 01078_img01.png
  • Column
    Flow rate
    :Wakopak® Handy ODS (4.6 mm × 250 mm)
    :CH3CN/H2O=60/40 (v/v)
    :1.0mL/min. at R.T.
    :UV 254 nm

    *Theoretical plate number (N) and symmetry factor (S) are calculated from Naphthalene.


Endcapping data

  • Column
    Flow rate
    :Wakopak® Handy ODS (4.6 mm × 250 mm)
    :CH3CN/10 mM K2HPO4 (pH7.0)=50/50 (v/v)
    :1.0 mL/min. at R.T.
    :UV 254 nm


Analysis of polyphenols by Wakopak® Handy ODS


Flow rate

Injection volume
:Wakopak® Handy ODS (4.6 mm × 250 mm)
:A) H2O/CH3COOH=100/1 (v/v)
 B) CH3CN/CH3COOH=100/1 (v/v)
  0-10 min. B 5%,
 10-40 min. B 5-20%,
 40-50 min. B 20%,
 50-55 min. B 50%,
:1.0 mL/min. at 50℃
:UV 280 nm, 0.128 AUFS
:1) Epigallocatechin (EGC)
 2) Catechin (C)
 3) Caffein
 4) Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG)
 5) Epicatechin (EC)
 6) Epicatechin Gallate (ECG)
:10 μL

Wakopak® eco-ODS


  • Simplified packaging materials
  • Broadly compatible with analysis of a variety of compounds, from acidic to basic
  • The column pressure is low, and it is easy to use this column with methanol as the solvent.
  • Reasonable pricing

* Base material of the packing agent: total porous high-purity silica gel with an average particle size of 5 μm
* Chemical modification: ODS (monomeric type, high-endcapping treatment)



Analysis of compounds by Wakopak® eco-ODS

Basic compounds

  • 01078_img04.png
  • Eluent
    Flow rate
    Injection volume
    :CH3CN/10 mM KH2PO4 (pH 7.0)=30/70 (v/v)
    :1.0 mL/min. at 35℃ (Press: 48 bar)
    :UV 254 nm
    :10 μL
  • 01078_img05.png
  • Eluent
    Flow rate
    Injection volume
    :CH3CN/H2O=30/70 (v/v)
    :1.0 mL/min. at 30℃ (Press: 68 bar)
    :UV 254 nm
    :1 μL
  • 01078_img06.png
  • Eluent
    Flow rate
    Injection volume
    :20 mM Phosphate buffer (pH7)/CH3OH=70/30 (v/v)
    :1.0 mL/min. at 30℃(Press: 76 bar)
    :UV 254 nm
    :1 μL


Acidic compounds

  • 01078_img07.png
  • Eluent
    Flow rate
    Injection volume
    :20 mM NaH2PO4 (pH2.5)
    :1.0 mL/min. at 35℃ (Press: 44 bar)
    :UV 210 nm
    :2 μL


Coordinating compounds

  • 01078_img08.png
  • Eluent
    Flow rate
    Injection volume
    :CH3OH/20 mM K2HPO4 (pH7.6)=60/40 (v/v)
    :1.0 mL/min. at 30℃ (Press: 77 bar)
    :UV 254 nm
    :5 μL


Food preservatives

  • 01078_img09.png
  • Eluent
    Flow rate
    Injection volume
    :CH3OH/CH3CN/5 mM Citric buffer (pH4)=10/20/70 (v/v/v)
    :1.0 mL/min. at 40℃ (Press: 51 bar)
    :UV 230 nm
    :5 μL


Active ingredients of crude drugs

  • 01078_img10.png
  • Compliant with the Japanese Pharmacopoeia 17th Edition
    Eluent KH2PO4,Triethylamine (pH3.5)*1/CH3CN=90/10 (v/v)
    Flow rate 1.0 mL/min. at 25℃ (Press: 58 bar)
    Detection UV 210 nm
    Injection volume 6 μL

    *1: 6.8 g of KH2PO4 was dissolved in 900 mL of water, 10 mL of (C2H5)3N was added, the pH was adjusted to 3.5 with H3PO4, and water was added to adjust the volume to 1,000 mL.

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Wakopak® Handy ODS

Wakopak® eco-ODS

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

If the revision of product standards and packaging standards has been made, there is a case where the actual product specifications and images are different.


Hours of Operation: 8:00 - 17:00 (EST)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.