Mixture Standard Solutions

Pesticides are essential substances for growing crops. Veterinary drugs are also essential for the prevention and treatment of industrial animal diseases. However, pesticides and veterinary drugs can cause sometimes health problems for human activities. So standard values for pesticide residue are set in each country.
FUJIFILM Wako provides 1,400 analytical standards and 50 mixture standard solutions for pesticide and veterinary drug residue analysis.
You can search mixture standard solutions by the analyte or CAS RN® from ''Search System for Mixture Standard Solutions of Pesticides / Veterinary-drugs".

  • Neonicotinoid Pesticides Mixture Standard Solutions
    Neonicotinoid Pesticides Mixture Standard Solutions are mixed with neonicotinoid pesticides and their metabolites.
  • Veterinary Drug Mixture Standard Solutions by Drug Classification
    Veterinary Drug Mixture Standard Solutions are mixed with veterinary drugs by strain drug classification (quinolone drug, sulfa drug, macrolide, and hormone drug).
  • Organic Phosphorus Pesticide Mixture Standard Solutions
    FA (Food Analysis) Series are mixed with organophosphorus pesticides.
  • Pesticides Standards for JP Water Quality
    WQ (Water Quality) series support simultaneous analysis based on Japanese Water Supply Act.
  • JP Food Sanitation Law "Positive List" for Pesticide Residue
    PL (Positive List) series support simultaneous analysis based on positive list system in Japanese Food Sanitation Law.

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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If the revision of product standards and packaging standards has been made, there is a case where the actual product specifications and images are different.


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