DuPont Ion Exchange Resin

DuPont ion exchange resin is an ion exchange resin synthesized by the suspension polymerization method, and is used in a variety of applications including water treatment, purification of amino acids and sugars, and metal removal.

About the DuPont Ion Exchange Resin

DuPont ion exchange resins are copolymer with microporous structures of styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer, and produced by controlling the particle size by the suspension polymerization method. The features of DuPont ion exchange resin are [1] it can withstand oxidation, reduction, mechanical wear and breakage, [2] it shows more reliable and reproducible performance than crushed resin, and [3] the particle size and the degree of cross-linking (or water content) are controlled.

DuPont ion exchange resin has different performance depending on the combination of resin type (cation or anion), degree of cross-linking (rate of divinylbenzene), and mesh size, so please use it according to your application.

There are three types of ion exchange resin as follows.
50W: Strongly acidic cation exchange resin
1: Strongly basic anion exchange resin, type I
2: Strongly basic anion exchange resin, type II

Comparison table with Dow ion exchange resin

The product name has changed due to the shift of Dow ion exchange resin business to DuPont. The comparison table is as follows. The only change is the product name, the quality and performance are same as the corresponding Dow product.

Strongly Acidic Cation Exchange Resin

Code No. Volume Dow Ion Exchange Resin (without trademark) Code No. Product Name
322-97561 100 mL 50Wx2 50-100 Mesh (H) Cation Exchange Resin 353-45621 Strong Acidic Cation Exchange Resin No.1 (2% Cross-linking, 50-100 Mesh, H Type)
324-97565 500 mL 355-45625
325-97551 100 mL 50Wx2 100-200 Mesh (H) Cation Exchange Resin 351-45661 Strong Acidic Cation Exchange Resin No.2 (2% Cross-linking, 100-200 Mesh, H Type)
327-97555 500 mL 353-45665
356-27271 100 mL 50Wx4 50-100 Mesh (H) Cation Exchange Resin 350-46231 Strong Acidic Cation Exchange Resin No.8 (4% Cross-linking, 50-100 Mesh, H Type)
358-27275 500 mL 352-46235
329-97571 100 mL 50Wx4 100-200 Mesh (H) Cation Exchange Resin 358-45671 Strong Acidic Cation Exchange Resin No.3 (4% Cross-linking, 100-200 Mesh, H Type)
321-97575 500 mL 350-45675
323-97591 100 mL 50Wx8 50-100 Mesh (H) Cation Exchange Resin 355-45681 Strong Acidic Cation Exchange Resin No.4 (8% Cross-linking, 50-100 Mesh, H Type)
325-97595 500 mL 357-45685
328-97541 100 mL 50Wx8 100-200 Mesh (H) Cation Exchange Resin 352-45691 Strong Acidic Cation Exchange Resin No.5 (8% Cross-linking, 100-200 Mesh, H Type)
320-97545 500 mL 354-45695
326-97581 100 mL 50Wx8 200-400 Mesh (H) Cation Exchange Resin 355-45701 Strong Acidic Cation Exchange Resin No.6 (8% Cross-linking, 200-400 Mesh, H Type)
328-97585 500 mL 357-45705
354-14381 100 mL 650C (H) Cation Exchange Resin 352-45711 Strong Acidic Cation Exchange Resin No.7 (H Type)
350-14383 1000 mL 358-45713

Strongly Basic Anion Exchange Resin

Code No. Volume Dow Ion Exchange Resin (without trademark) Code No. New Product Name
323-97471 100 mL 1x2 50-100 Mesh Anion Exchange Resin 359-45721 Strong Basic Anion Exchange Resin No.1 (2% Cross-linking, 50-100 Mesh, Cl Type)
325-97475 500 mL 351-45725
326-97461 100 mL 1x2 100-200 Mesh Anion Exchange Resin 356-45731 Strong Basic Anion Exchange Resin No.2 (2% Cross-linking, 100-200 Mesh, Cl Type)
328-97465 500 mL 358-45735
327-97511 100 mL 1x4 50-100 Mesh Anion Exchange Resin 353-45741 Strong Basic Anion Exchange Resin No.3 (4% Cross-linking, 50-100 Mesh, Cl Type)
329-97515 500 mL 355-45745
320-97501 100 mL 1x4 100-200 Mesh Anion Exchange Resin 350-45751 Strong Basic Anion Exchange Resin No.4 (4% Cross-linking, 100-200 Mesh, Cl Type)
322-97505 500 mL 352-45755
324-97521 100 mL 1x8 50-100 Mesh Anion Exchange Resin 357-45761 Strong Basic Anion Exchange Resin No.5 (8% Cross-linking, 50-100 Mesh, Cl Type)
326-97525 500 mL 359-45765
327-97491 100 mL 1x8 100-200 Mesh Anion Exchange Resin 354-45771 Strong Basic Anion Exchange Resin No.6 (8% Cross-linking, 100-200 Mesh, Cl Type)
329-97495 500 mL 356-45775
321-97531 100 mL 1x8 200-400 Mesh Anion Exchange Resin 351-45781 Strong Basic Anion Exchange Resin No.7 (8% Cross-linking, 200-400 Mesh, Cl Type)
323-97535 500 mL 353-45785
355-14431 100 mL 550A (OH) Anion Exchange Resin 358-45791 Strong Basic Anion Exchange Resin No.8 (OH Type)
351-14433 1000 mL 354-45793

Table of physical properties of DuPont Ion Exchange Resin

Strongly Acidic Cation Exchange Resin (functional group: Sulfonic acid)

Code No. Volume Resins Degree of
Mesh Size Ionic Form Water Retention
Total Exchange
Durable Temperature
353-45621 100 mL No.1 (50Wx2) 2 50-100 H+ 74-82 0.6 150
355-45625 500 mL
351-45661 100 mL No.2 (50Wx2) 2 100-200 H+ 74-82 0.6 150
353-45665 500 mL
350-46231 100 mL No.8 (50Wx4) 4 50-100 H+ 64-72 1.1 150
352-46235 500 mL
358-45671 100 mL No.3 (50Wx4) 4 100-200 H+ 64-72 1.1 150
350-45675 500 mL
355-45681 100 mL No.4 (50Wx8) 8 50-100 H+ 50-56 1.7 150
357-45685 500 mL
352-45691 100 mL No.5 (50Wx8) 8 100-200 H+ 50-58 1.7 150
354-45695 500 mL
355-45701 100 mL No.6 (50Wx8) 8 200-400 H+ 50-58 1.7 150
357-45705 500 mL
352-45711 100 mL No.7 (650C) - 650±50 μm H+ 46-51 2.0 130
358-45713 1000 mL

Strongly Basic Anion Exchange Resin Type I (functional group: Benzyltrimethyl ammonium)

Code No. Volume Resins Degree of
Mesh Size Ionic Form Water Retention
Total Exchange
Durable Temperature
359-45721 100 mL No.1 (1x2) 2 50-100 Cl- 65-75 0.7 100
351-45725 500 mL
356-45731 100 mL No.2 (1x2) 2 100-200 Cl- 70-80 0.6 100
358-45735 500 mL
353-45741 100 mL No.3 (1x4) 4 50-100 Cl- 50 min. 1.0 100
355-45745 500 mL
350-45751 100 mL No.4 (1x4) 4 100-200 Cl- 55-63 1.0 100
352-45755 500 mL
357-45761 100 mL No.5 (1x8) 8 50-100 Cl- 43-48 1.2 100
359-45765 500 mL
354-45771 100 mL No.6 (1x8) 8 100-200 Cl- 39-45 1.2 100
356-45775 500 mL
351-45781 100 mL No.7 (1x8) 8 200-400 Cl- 39-45 1.2 100
353-45785 500 mL
358-45791 100 mL No.8 (550A) - 590±50 μm OH- 55-66 1.1 60
354-45793 1000 mL


Q1. What storage method is recommended?

Store indoors in a cool, dark room at room temperature (0-30°C), avoiding high temperature and high humidity.

Q2. How do I handle the ion exchange resin?

In normal use, the resin is soaked in pure water overnight. If you want to convert the ion form of the purchased ion exchange resin to another ion form, you can convert the ion form by using a chemical solution containing the ion you want to convert. For example, if you want to convert H-type cation exchange resin to Na-type, you can convert it to Na-type by dipping and rinsing by 1N NaCl. In the purification of organic solvents, the resin may be dried before use. The drying temperature must not exceed the applicable temperature of the resin (see the physical characteristics table for the durable temperature).

Q3. What precautions should be taken when using ion exchange resin?

When in contact with strong oxidizing agents such as nitric acid, ion exchange resins are immediately oxidized, which can cause explosive reactions under some conditions. Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes and face. In case of contact with eyes, wash eyes with plenty of water. If spilled on the floor, it is a dangerous slippery. Wipe off immediately. Please refer to SDS for details.

Q4. How to convert the ion form of the ion exchange resin?

Strongly acidic cation exchange resin
  • Type H to Na: Pack the ion exchange resin in a column and pass 2 - 4 BV* of 0.5 - 2.0% sodium chloride aqueous solution or sodium hydroxide aqueous solution. At this time, the contact time of the solution should be at least 15 minutes (the acidic or neutral solution flows out while the ionic form is being converted).
  • Type H to K: Pass 3 - 4.5 BV* of 0.5 M ( - 3 wt%) potassium hydroxide aqueous solution.
  • Type Na to H: Pass 5 - 6 BV* of 5 - 8% aqueous hydrochloric acid solution and wash with pure water until the extract is near neutral.
Strongly basic anion exchange resin
  • Type Cl to OH: Pack the ion exchange resin in a column and pass 5 - 10 BV* of 4% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution. At this time, allow the liquid to pass slowly so that the contact time of the liquid is at least 1 hour. Then wash with pure water until the extract is almost neutral.
Weakly basic anion exchange resin
  • Type Cl to OH: Pack the ion exchange resin in a column and pass and allow 2 - 4 BV* of 4% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution. At this time, allow the liquid to pass slowly so that the contact time of the liquid is at least 30 minutes. Then wash with pure water until the extract is almost neutral.

* BV (Bed Volume): The volume of the filled ion exchange resin is 1 BV.

Q5. How to regenerate the ion exchange resin?

The type and concentration of the chemical solution used depends on the resin to be regenerated. The chemical solutions and concentrations commonly used for regeneration are:

  • Strongly acidic cation exchange resin: 3 - 8% hydrochloric acid aqueous solution or sulfuric acid aqueous solution
  • Strongly basic anion exchange resin: 3 - 8% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution
  • Weakly basic anion exchange resin: 0.5 - 5% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution

The standard contact time of the chemical solution is about 30 minutes for the strongly acidic cation exchange resin and about 45 minutes for the strongly basic anion exchange resin.
However, there is no guarantee that this method will return 100% of the product to the condition it was in when it was delivered. It is common to control how much resin can be regenerated with respect to the chemical solution used.

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