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Anti CX3CR1, Guinea Pig

for Immunochemistry
Manufacturer :
FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation
Storage Condition :
Keep at -20 degrees C.
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In stock in Japan


Product Specification Sheet
Certificate of Analysis

Overview / Applications

Outline CX3CR1 is a fractalkine receptor belonging to the seven transmembrane G protein-coupled receptor family. It is expressed on macrophages and lymphocytes in peripheral tissues as well as microglia in the central nervous system and is involved in immune cell survival, migration, and proliferative functions.
Anti CX3CR1, Guinea Pig is a guinea pig polyclonal antibody that reacts with CX3CR1.

[Antigen] Synthetic peptide corresponding to the N-terminus of CX3CR1
[Species cross reactivity] Mouse and rat
[Application] Immunohistochemistry (frozen section) 1:800-1:1,600
Precautions for Use Avoid repeated freeze and thaw.


Appearance Liquid
Composition Antiserum diluted in PBS


  • Anti CX3CR1, Guinea Pig Polyclonal Antibody

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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