Adiponectin ELISA Kits

Adiponectin is one of cytokines secreted from adipocyte (adipocytokines, adipokines), and controls lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Adiponectin is an important substance showing anti-diabetic, anti-atherosclerotic, and anti-inflammatory actions. In blood, adiponectin monomer molecules are associated to form trimer, hexamer or 12-18-mers. The monomer form of adiponectin is found only in adipocytes, and homomultimer, i.e. trimer, hexamer and 12-18-mers formed from adiponectin monomer are found in plasma.Trimer (low molecular weight complexes/LMW) is formed by interaction of non-covalent bonds of triple helix area and by hydrophobic interaction between globular Cq1 domain, and hexamer (middle molecular weight complexes/MMW) or larger complexes (higher molecular weight/HMW) are formed through disulfide bonds between cysteines at 39 of LMW-complexes. Adiponectin is believed to influence on cell growth, angiogenesis, and tissue remodeling by isolating various growth factors through binding with distinct affinity. The affinity is dependent upon the type of complexes, LMW, MMW and HMW. The blood levels of HMW were reported to reflect BMI, sex, effect of body weight decrease, glucose tolerance, liver insulin sensitivity, metabolic syndrome or DM2 more than total adiponectin levels. This means that assay for HMW is expected to be more useful for analysis of metabolic syndrome and DM2.


  • Measurement range 3.13-200 ng/mL
  • Measurable in a short period (4 hours)
  • All reagents are solution types and are ready to use
  • High measurement accuracy and reproducibility

Application Data

  • Samples

    Mouse/rat serum or Plasma

  • Accuracy test

    Precision of assay : Mean CV<10%
    Reproducibility : Mean CV<10%


The kit uses two monoclonal antibodies specific to mouse/rat HMW adiponectin.

Sample Cross reaction Sample Cross reaction
Mouse adiponectin (HMW) 100 % Rat adiponectin (HMW) 100 %
Mouse adiponectin (Hexamer) <5 % Tested at 1000 ng/mL

No crossreaction at 1000 ng/mL: Mouse adiponectin (Trimer), Mouse adiponectin (Monomer), Mouse MCH, Mouse TNF-α, Mouse INF-γ, Mouse Insulin, Mouse Leptin, Rat adiponectin (Monomer), Rat TNF-α,Rat INF-γ, Rat Insulin, Rat Leptin

Reference assay data

Strain Week Gender numbers Results(ng/mL) Remarks(ng/mL)
Mean SD
BALB/c 6W 10 2369 743 Serum, ad libitum feeding
ad libitum feeding
ICR 6W 10 2219 802 Serum, ad libitum feeding
CD (rat) 8W 9 3220 670 Serum, ad libitum feeding

These data should be considered as guidance only. Each laboratory should establish its own normal and pathological reference ranges for HMW Adiponectin levels independently.

Kit components

1) Antibody-coated plate (8 x 12) wells/plate 1 plate
2) Standard Adiponectin (2000 ng/mL) 200 μL
3) Buffer solution 60 mL
5) HRP-labeled anti-adiponectin antibody 100 μL
6) TMB Solution 12 mL
7) Stop Solution (1M H2SO4 12 mL
8) Wash Solution (x 10) 100 mL
9) Plate Seal 3 seals

Assay procedure


* Guideline of washing volume: 300 μL/well
**Guideline of shaking: 600-1200 rpm for 10 seconds × 3 times


  1. Kim, TH. et al.: Eur. J. Pharmacol., 830, 95(2018)
  2. Watanabe, K. et al.: Obes. Surg., 28, 1532(2018)
  3. Tobita, H. et al.: Mol. Med. Rep., 17, 6840(2018)

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This product is identical to 634-13071 (discontinued).

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

If the revision of product standards and packaging standards has been made, there is a case where the actual product specifications and images are different.


Reception hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 - 15:00 (CET)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.