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for Skin Sensitisation Test
Specification Assay :
NAC : 98.0+% (HPLC), NAL : 98.0+% (HPLC)
Manufacturer :
FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation
Storage Condition :
Keep at 2-10 degrees C.
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Product Specification Sheet
Certificate of Analysis

Overview / Applications

Outline This product is for research use only. Do not administer it to humans.
Amino acid Derivative Reactivity Assay (ADRA) is an alternative method of skin sensitization test to animal testing.
It evaluates whether a chemical substance provokes an allergic reaction in the skin without using animal models.
ADRA significantly reduces the number of chemical substances used as a reaction reagent by using a novel amino acid derivative having a naphthalene ring capable of high sensitivity detection by ultraviolet rays. Also, skin sensitization tests are possible even at about 1/100 by conventional methods.
Besides, it is possible to evaluate skin sensitization with high accuracy without causing chemical substances to precipitate in the reaction solution.
This product is a reagent kit that can carry out the ADRA test up to 2 plates (96 well).


  • Amino acid Derivative Reactivity Assay Kit

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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