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Sodium Ion Standard Solution (Na+ : 1,000ppm)

for Ion Chromatography
Manufacturer :
FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation
Storage Condition :
Keep below 25 degrees C.
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In stock in Japan


Product Specification Sheet
Certificate of Analysis

Overview / Applications

Outline Ion chromatography is used extensively as a method for quantitative determination of numerous ions simultaneously and at high sensitivities and a method for measurement of anions and cations in environmental samples such as drainage, soil and atmosphere samples as well as in the fields of pharmaceutical products and foods. The concentration of this product is examined by chemical analysis and ion chromatography and the value is displayed for each product. Prescription: NaNO3 in 0.02N HNO3.


Appearance Colorless clear liquid
Flash Point None
Concentration Acidity : 0.018 - 0.022 mol/L (as HNO3)
0.99 - 1.01mg/mL (20 degrees C)

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

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Reception hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 - 15:00 (CET)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.