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House Dust Mite Extract, Whole Culture(Df)(Contains 50% glycerol)

Manufacturer :
Institute of Tokyo Environmental Allergy
Storage Condition :
Keep at -20 degrees C.
Product Number
Package Size
1mL(Der f 1量 15 µg)

Overview / Applications

Outline This is a crude extract of mite allergens that can be used as an antigen for ISO 4333:"Determination of reduction activity of specific proteins derived from pollen, mite and other sources on textile products". 4-DF-004 should be diluted 1000 times with PBST before use.

Antigen House Dust Mite (Df)Dermatophagoides farinae
Material:House dust mites (Df), culture medium
-Crude extract, containing Der f 1 allergen 15 µg/tube (measured by sandwich ELISA)
-Der f 1, 15 µg/mLX1 tube, 1 mL/tube
-Containing 50% glycerol.
Precautions for Use Extracts from house dust mite (Df) culture medium (filtered with membranfilter, pore size 0.45 um), Phosphate buffered saline (pH7.4), Contains preservatives and 50% glycerol


Composition Extracts from house dust mite (Df) culture medium (filtered with membranfilter, pore size 0.45 µm), Phosphate buffered saline (pH7.4), Contains preservatives and 50% glycerol

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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Reception hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 - 15:00 (CET)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.