
Life Science

Notice of Product Replacement Due to the Integration of FUJIFILM Wako Shibayagi Corporation​

FUJIFILM Wako has merged with our subsidiary, FUJIFILM Wako Shibayagi Corporation. ​
We have changed the product numbers and names, and will discontinue sales of the existing products when our current stock runs out. In addition, due to the rising cost of raw materials and other expenses, we have decided to discontinue sales of some products.

Replacement Products

FUJIFILM Wako Shibayagi Corporation
(Coventional products)
FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation
(Replacement products)
Product Number Manufacturer
Product Number
Product Name Package Size Product Number Product Name Package Size
634-52911 AKH-INSL LBIS Human Insulin ELISA Kit (Luminescent type) 96 tests 290-89201 LBIS™ Human Insulin ELISA Kit (Luminescent) 96 tests
637-01471 AKRIN-010T LBIS Rat Insulin ELISA Kit 96 tests 299-94801 LBIS™ Rat Insulin ELISA Kit 96 tests
636-05581 AKRIN-130 LBIS Rat Insulin ELISA Kit (U-E type) 96 tests 293-90301 LBIS™ Rat Insulin ELISA Kit (High Sensitivity) 96 tests
637-54721 AKRIN-111L LBIS Mouse/Rat Insulin ELISA Kit (Luminescent type) 96 tests 296-89301 LBIS™ Mouse/Rat Insulin ELISA Kit (Luminescent) 96 tests
634-01481 AKRIN-011T LBIS Mouse Insulin ELISA Kit 96 tests 292-89401 LBIS™ Mouse Insulin ELISA Kit 96 tests
633-03411 AKRIN-031 LBIS Mouse Insulin ELISA Kit (U-type) 96 tests 296-89801 LBIS™ Mouse Insulin ELISA Kit (High Sensitivity) 96 tests
636-07281 AKRIN-011S LBIS Mouse Insulin ELISA Kit (S-type) 96 tests 292-89901 LBIS™ Mouse Insulin ELISA Kit (High Specificity) 96 tests
630-10371 AKRIN-011H LBIS Mouse Insulin ELISA Kit (H-type) 96 tests 290-89701 LBIS™ Mouse Insulin ELISA Kit (Wide Range) 96 tests
639-23911 AKRIN-011RU LBIS Mouse Insulin ELISA Kit (RTU) 96 tests 298-89501 LBIS™ Mouse Insulin ELISA Kit (RTU) 96 tests
633-01451 AKRIN-012T LBIS Dog Insulin ELISA Kit 96 tests 125-07021 LBIS™ Dog Insulin Standard Solution 80 μL x 1
630-01461 AKRIN-013T LBIS Porcine Insulin ELISA Kit 96 tests 122-07031 LBIS™ Porcine Insulin Standard Solution 80 μL x 1
630-07103 ASIN-001 Insulin Standard Solution, Hamster 250 μL x 5 126-07051 LBIS™ Hamster Insulin Standard Solution 250 μL x 5
635-13523 ASIN-018 Insulin Standard Solution, Bovine 250 μL x 5 123-07061 LBIS™ Bovine Insulin Standard Solution 250 μL x 5
630-23049 AKMPI-111 LBIS Mouse/Rat Proinsulin ELISA Kit 60 tests 291-90601 LBIS™ Mouse/Rat Proinsulin ELISA Kit 60 tests
631-07231 AKRCP-031 LBIS Mouse C-peptide ELISA Kit (U-type) 96 tests 299-90901 LBIS™ Mouse C-peptide ELISA Kit 96 tests
634-13071 AKMAN-011 LBIS Mouse/Rat HMW Adiponectin ELISA Kit 96 tests 297-90701 LBIS™ Mouse/Rat High Molecular Weight Adiponectin ELISA Kit 96 tests
637-10641 AKHB48 LBIS Human Apo B-48 ELISA Kit 96 tests 298-88901 LBIS™ Human Apo B-48 ELISA Kit 96 tests
621-05839 ACHB48-T Human ApoB-48 Control Set - 292-89009 LBIS™ Human Apo B-48 Control Set 10 EA x 2 set
298-89001 LBIS™ Human Apo B-48 Control Set 25 EA x 2 set
294-89003 LBIS™ Human Apo B-48 Control Set 50 EA x 2 set
639-31721 AKRTS-010S2 LBIS TSH-Rat (SⅡtype) 96 tests 296-88701 LBIS™ Rat TSH ELISA Kit 96 tests
636-23921 AKRLH-010S LBIS Rat LH ELISA Kit (S-type) 96 tests 294-88501 LBIS™ Rat LH ELISA Kit 96 tests
634-04301 AKRAL-121 LBIS Mouse Albumin ELISA Kit 96 tests 291-92301 LBIS™ Mouse Albumin ELISA Kit 96 tests
638-31931 AKRAL-221 LBIS Mouse Albumin ELISA KIT (2plate type) * 96 tests x 2 297-92303 LBIS™ Mouse Albumin ELISA Kit 96 tests x 2
631-04311 AKRAL-120 LBIS Rat Albumin ELISA Kit 96 tests 293-92501 LBIS™ Rat Albumin ELISA Kit 96 tests
631-31921 AKRAL-220 LBIS Rat Albumin ELISA Kit (2plate type) * 96 tests x 2 299-92503 LBIS™ Rat Albumin ELISA Kit 96 tests x 2
638-25561 AKRAL-021S LBIS Mouse Urinary Albumin Assay Kit (S-type) 60 tests 295-92701 LBIS™ Mouse Urinary Albumin Assay Kit 60 tests
634-25563 AKRAL-021SZ1 LBIS Mouse Urinary Albumin Assay Kit * 250 tests 291-92703 LBIS™ Mouse Urinary Albumin Assay Kit 250 tests
634-25301 AKRAL-020S LBIS Rat Urinary Albumin Assay Kit (S-type) 60 tests 297-92901 LBIS™ Rat Urinary Albumin Assay Kit 60 tests
630-25303 AKRAL-020SZ1 LBIS Rat Urinary Albumin Assay Kit * 250 tests 293-92903 LBIS™ Rat Urinary Albumin Assay Kit 250 tests
631-07091 AKRBS-018 LBIS Bovine Albumin ELISA Kit 96 tests 295-92201 LBIS™ Bovine Albumin ELISA Kit 96 tests
- ACRA-020 LBIS Rat Urinary Albumin Control Serum - 120-07071 LBIS™ Rat Albumin Control Serum 1 mL x 10
- ACMA-021 LBIS Mouse Urinary Albumin Control Serum - 127-07081 LBIS™ Mouse Albumin Control Serum 1 mL x 10
- ACBAL2 LBIS Bovine Albumin Control Serum - 124-07091 LBIS™ Bovine Albumin Control Serum 300 μL x 10
639-02891 AKRIE-010 LBIS Mouse IgE ELISA Kit 96 tests 295-91101 LBIS™ Mouse IgE ELISA Kit 96 tests
639-07651 AKRIE-030 LBIS Mouse anti-OVA-IgE ELISA Kit 96 tests 295-91601 LBIS™ Mouse OVA-IgE ELISA Kit 96 tests
636-07661 AKRIE-040 LBIS Mouse anti-OVA-IgG1 ELISA Kit 96 tests 291-91701 LBIS™ Mouse OVA-IgG1 ELISA Kit 96 tests
637-02691 AKRDD-061 LBIS Mouse anti-dsDNA ELISA Kit 96 tests 297-91801 LBIS™ Mouse dsDNA-Antibody ELISA Kit 96 tests
632-13751 AKRKG-010 LBIS KLH (TDAR) Rat-IgG ELISA Kit 96 tests 291-91201 LBIS™ Rat KLH-IgG ELISA Kit (TDAR) 96 tests
639-13761 AKRKM-010 LBIS KLH (TDAR) Rat-IgM ELISA Kit 96 tests 297-91301 LBIS™ Rat KLH-IgM ELISA Kit (TDAR) 96 tests
631-40831 AKH-VEGF LBIS Human VEGF ELISA Kit * 96 tests 294-87901 LBIS™ Human VEGF ELISA Kit 96 tests
630-44701 AKMIFNG-011 LBIS Mouse IFN-γ ELISA Kit 96 tests 294-88001 LBIS™ Mouse IFN-γ ELISA Kit 96 tests
631-47891 AKH-IFNG LBIS Human IFN-γ ELISA Kit * 96 tests 298-87301 LBIS™ Human IFN-γ ELISA Kit 96 tests
634-44721 AKMTNFA-011 LBIS Mouse TNF-α ELISA Kit * 96 tests 296-88201 LBIS™ Mouse TNF-α ELISA Kit 96 tests
639-42331 AKH-TNFA LBIS Human TNF-α ELISA Kit * 96 tests 298-87801 LBIS™ Human TNF-α ELISA Kit 96 tests
637-54101 AKMMCP1-011 LBIS Mouse MCP-1 (CCL2) ELISA Kit 96 tests 290-88101 LBIS™ Mouse MCP-1 (CCL2) ELISA Kit 96 tests
638-53411 AKH-MCP1 LBIS Human MCP-1 (CCL2) ELISA Kit 96 tests 292-87701 LBIS™ Human MCP-1 (CCL2) ELISA Kit 96 tests
635-42311 AKH-IL6 LBIS Human IL-6 ELISA Kit 96 tests 294-87401 LBIS™ Human IL-6 ELISA Kit 96 tests
637-50441 AKH-IL7 LBIS Human IL-7 ELISA Kit * 96 tests 290-87501 LBIS™ Human IL-7 ELISA Kit 96 tests
632-42321 AKH-IL8 LBIS Human IL-8 (CXCL8) ELISA Kit * 96 tests 296-87601 LBIS™ Human IL-8 (CXCL8) ELISA Kit 96 tests
638-40841 AKMIL12-011 LBIS Mouse IL-12 ELISA Kit * 96 tests 292-88301 LBIS™ Mouse IL-12 ELISA Kit 96 tests
637-44711 AKMIL17-011 LBIS Mouse IL-17A ELISA Kit * 96 tests 293-94701 LBIS™ Mouse IL-17A ELISA Kit 96 tests
638-50971 LABGLUC-M1 LabAssay™ Glucose 500 tests 291-94001 LabAssay™ Glucose 500 tests
635-50981 LABCHO-M1 LabAssay™ Cholesterol 500 tests 293-93601 LabAssay™ Cholesterol 500 tests
632-50991 LABTRIG-M1 LabAssay™ Triglyceride 350 tests 291-94501 LabAssay™ Triglyceride 350 tests
639-51001 LABPLIP-M1 LabAssay™ Phospholipid 500 tests 295-94401 LabAssay™ Phospholipid 500 tests
636-51011 LABCREA-M1 LabAssay™ Creatinine 500 tests 291-93901 LabAssay™ Creatinine 500 tests
633-51021 LABALP-M1 LabAssay™ ALP 500 tests 297-93501 LabAssay™ ALP 500 tests
633-51761 LABNH3-M1 LabAssay™ Ammonia 700 tests 297-94601 LabAssay™ Ammonia 700 tests
638-14299 AKDF2-020 LBIS Der fⅡ ELISA Kit 96 tests 290-86901 LBIS™ Der f 2 ELISA Kit 96 tests
634-20281 ABDF2-012 Anti DerfⅡ, Monoclonal Antibody (clone:13A4) * 100 μg 012-28641 Anti Der f 2, Monoclonal Antibody (13A4) 100 μg
637-20271 ABDF2-011 Anti DerfⅡ, Monoclonal Antibody (clone : 15E11) * 100 μg 015-28631 Anti Der f 2, Monoclonal Antibody (15E11) 100 μg
631-20311 AGDF2-010 House Dust Mite Allergen Derf Ⅱ * 50 μg 041-35101 Der f 2, Mite, recombinant 50 μg

* Sold in only Japan

Discontinued Products

FUJIFILM Wako Shibayagi Corporation
(Coventional products)
Product Number Manufacturer
Product Number
Product Name Package Size
637-07113 ASIN-003 Insulin Standard Solution, Rabbit 250 μL x 5
637-07191 AKRIN-010S LBIS Rat Insulin ELISA Kit (S-type) 96 tests
633-10621 AKRIN-010H LBIS Rat Insulin ELISA Kit (H-type) 96 tests
636-24141 AKRIN-010RU LBIS Rat Insulin ELISA Kit (RTU) 96 tests
639-07271 AKRCP-030 LBIS Rat C-peptide ELISA Kit (U-type) 96 tests
631-10389 AKRLP-011 LBIS Leptin-Mouse 96 tests
628-04901 AKRB48 LBIS Rabbit Apo B-48 ELISA Kit 96 tests
633-02671 AKRRG-101 LBIS Mouse IgG Rheumatoid Factor ELISA Kit 96 tests
630-02681 AKRRG-111 LBIS Mouse IgM Rheumatoid Factor ELISA Kit 96 tests
630-02701 AKRSD-051 LBIS Mouse anti-ssDNA ELISA Kit 96 tests


Reception hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 - 15:00 (CET)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.