Precipitation Titration
This is a method for titrimetric quantification based on the formation or disappearance of precipitates. Reagents that stoichiometrically react with the test article to form a sparingly soluble precipitate are used as titrants. Lower solubility of the formed precipitate enables more precise titration of solutions, even dilute ones. Examples of precipitation titration include argentometric titration, ferrocyanide titration, and thiocyanate titration. It is used particularly often as a quantification method for argentometric halides, cyanides, thiocyanates, sulfides, and other anions, as well as organic substances.
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Examples of adsorption indicator
Indicator | Ions to be titrated | Titrant |
Fluorescein | Cl- | Ag+ |
Dichlorofluorescein | Cl- | Ag+ |
Eosin | Br-, I-, SCN- | Ag+ |
Bromocresol Green | SCN- | Ag+ |
Torin | SO42- | Ba2+ |
Methyl Violet | Ag+ | Cl- |
Rhodamine 6G | Ag+ | Br- |
For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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