HPLC Column for Pesticide Residues Analysis​

Reversed-phase partition chromatography (using a low-polarity stationary phase and a high-polarity mobile phase) is used for the analysis of pesticide and veterinary drug residues. Analytical methods using a stationary phase, in which the silica gel surface is chemically modified with a hydrocarbon chain, are often performed in reversed-phase partition chromatography. In particular, supports modified with an octadecyl silyl group (C18) (ODS) are commonly used.​

Fujifilm Wako supplies a wide range of columns with unique features, such as columns filled with highly pressure/base-resistant packing materials as well as those with packing materials that have structural recognition capabilities. We also provide columns supporting assay validation, cost-effective columns, and columns filled with a packing material modified with fluorinated silicon.​

Among them, Wakopak® Wakosil® Agri-9 is a column optimized for the analysis of pesticide residues in water and food. It guarantees separation in simultaneous analysis when it is used in combination with a dedicated eluent.​

  • Optimized for the analysis of pesticide residues in water and food: Wakopak® Wakosil® Agri-9​
  • Highly pressure/base-resistant, compatible with UHPLC: Wakopak® Ultra C18 series​​
  • Addressing diverse needs, including support for assay validation: Wakopak® Wakosil®-Ⅱ series​

  - For high-sensitivity analysis and LC/MS: Semi-microcolumns (3C18 series, 5C18 series)​
  - For short time analysis: Short columns (3C18 series, 5C18 series)​
  - For routine analysis: Conventional columns (5C18 series)​

Product Line-up

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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