Fluorescence Recovery Reagents and Wash Reagents for CLEM

TUK Solution for multicolor, HB Solution

Correlative light-electron microscopy (CLEM) is designed to observe the same sample under both fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopes, allowing comparison of the respective images in order to analyze the localization and morphology of organelles and molecules in cells. Conventionally, the fluorescence of fluorescent proteins was attenuated by osmium oxide used to prepare electron microscopy samples, resulting in chemical/physical strain, which made it difficult to observe the same section under both fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopes.

Fluorescence recovery reagents for CLEM (TUK Solution) can be used together with specific fluorescent proteins (CLEM-Red and CLEM-Green) to recover osmium oxide-quenched fluorescence in samples. As a result, the same section can be observed under both fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopes, leading to more precise CLEM.

Difference between Conventional CLEM and Precision CLEM


Observation of mitochondria

Data by courtesy of Dr. Uchiyama and Dr. Tanida, Graduate School of Medicine, Juntendo University

Figure 1. Mitochondria with recovered fluorescence in CLEM-Red expressing HeLa cells.


Observation of nucleus and mitochondria

Data by I. Tanida.et al. : Scientific Reports ,10,21871 (2020) / Licenced under CC BY 4,0

Figure 2. Nucleus and mitochondria with recovered fluorescence in CLEM-Green and CLEM-Red expressing HEK293 cells.


Immuno-in-resin CLEM

It has been reported that immunological and affinity-labeling using fluorescent dyes applied to in-resin CLEM of Epon-embedded cells.
HB Solution is used for antibody dilution solution and blocking solution.

Data by I. Tanida.et al. : Heliyon, 9(6), e17394 (2023) / Licenced under CC BY 4,0

Figure 3. Two-color in-resin CLEM of intracellular organelles in Epon-embedded cells was performed using Alexa Fluor 647-conjugated WGA and rabbit polyclonal anti-TOM20.
Anti-TOM20 was labeled with SPICARed-streptavidin after biotin labeling.


  1. Tanida, I., Furuta, Y., Yamaguchi, J., Kakuta, S., Oliva Trejo, J. A. and Uchiyama, Y. : Sci. Rep., 10(1), 21871 (2020).
  2. Sanada, T., Yamaguchi, J., Furuta, Y., Kakuta, S., Tanida, I. and Uchiyama, Y. : Sci. Rep., 12, 11130 (2022).
  3. Tanida, I., Yamaguchi, J., Suzuki, C., Kakuta, S. and Uchiyama, Y. : Heliyon, . 9(6), e17394, (2023).

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Fluorescence recovery reagent for CLEM

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Wash reagent for CLEM

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For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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