For diabetes and obesity research



Glucagon is a peptide hormone consisting of 29 amino acids secreted from the α cells of pancreatic islets of Langerhans. The main physiological function of glucagon is to decompose glycogen in the liver into glucose, increase blood glucose level, and keep glucose level constant with insulin.


  • High specificity to glucagon
  • High sensitivity(0.3pmol/L-)
  • Small sample volume(10μL-)

This item is glucagon sandwich ELISA kit using 2 kinds of monoclonal antibodies. One reacts to the N-terminal of glucagon and the other reacts to the C-terminal.

Glucagon and glucagon-like peptide


Glucagon and glucagon-like peptides are produced by proglucagon cleavage. Several glucagon-like peptides containing similar amino acid sequence as glucagon have been reported.


  • Name Cross-reactivity(%)
    Glicentin(1-69) (human) 0.68
    Glicentin(1-69) (rat) 0.96
    Glicentin(1-69) (mouse) 0.97
    Glicentin(1-61) (human) 0.95
    Glicentin(1-61) (rat) not confirmed
    Glicentin(1-61) (mouse) not confirmed
    Oxyntomodulin (human, rat and mouse) 0.64
    Mini-glucagon (human, rat and mouse) N.D.
  • Name Cross-reactivity(%)
    GLP-1(7-36) NH2 (human, rat and mouse) N.D.
    GLP-1(9-36) NH2 (human, rat and mouse) N.D.
    GLP-2 (human) N.D.
    GLP-2 (rat) N.D.
    GLP-2 (mouse) N.D.
    GIP (human) N.D.
    GIP (rat) N.D.
    GIP (mouse) N.D.


Princepal Sandwich ELISA
Standard curve 2.2~143.6 pmol/L(7.8~500pg/mL)
Sensitivity 0.3 pmol/L (1.08 pg/mL)
Sample Type Serum(Human, rat and mouse)
Plasma(Human, rat and mouse)
Cell culture supernatants
Sample volume 10μL
Assay time About 20 hour

Standard Curve


Correlation with competitor's products

  • 00870_img04.png
  • Sample condition

    Human serum (n=78)

    Measurement condition

    Assayed according to the instruction manuals.

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For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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