Thiol Reactive Fluorescent Probes


These probes react with intracellular thiols and emits blue fluorescence.

Product Number Product Name Ex/Em(nm)
229-02131 ViVidFluor Cell Blue CMAC 354/466
226-02141 ViVidFluor Cell Blue CMHC 372/470
045-29131 7-Diethylamino-3-(4-maleimidophenyl)-4-methylcoumarin 384/470

ViVid Fluor Cell Green CM FDA fluoresces when hydrolyzed by intracellular esterase.

Product Number Product Name Ex/Em(nm)
223-02151 ViVidFluor Cell Green CMFDA 492/517

BES-Thio fluoresces in response to thiol and selenol groups. It reacts with thiols at pH 7.4 and with selenol at pH 5.8.

Product Number Product Name Ex/Em(nm)
025-15481 BES-Thio 495/535

ViVidFluor Cell Orange CMT MR reacts with intracellular thiols and emits orange fluorescence.

Product Number Product Name Ex/Em(nm)
224-02181 ViVidFluor Cell Orange CMTMR 541/565

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