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Zeolite, Synthetic, F-9, Beads, 2.36 - 4.75mm(4 - 8mesh)

Manufacturer :
FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation
Storage Condition :
Keep at RT.
  • Structural Formula
  • Label
  • Packing
Product Number
Package Size
Barcode No
List Price
JPY 4,600

In stock in Japan


Product Specification Sheet
Spectral Data
Certificate of Analysis
Calibration Certificate


Overview / Applications

Outline This product is for research use only.  Do not administer it to human.

Zeolite is chemically explained as the crystalline aluminosilicate hydrate
containing alkaline metal or alkaline earth metal.  The general formula
is shown as MeO.Al2O3.mSiO2.nH2O
(Me: metal ion).

Zeolite has some specific characteristics and can dry, separate and
purify molecules.  Examples of molecules adsorbed by Zeolite A-9 are
shown as follow:

H2O, NH3 (Ammonia), CO2 (Carbon dioxide),
CO (Carbon monoxide), H2S (Hydrogen sulfide), SO2
(Sulfurous acid gas/ Sulfur dioxide), Paraffin/ Alkane (CnH2n+2
(n=1 or 2)), n-Paraffin/ n-Alkane (CnH2n+2 (n 
=/> 3)), i-Paraffin/ Isoalkane (CnH2n+2), Olefin
(CnH2n), Cyclopropane (C3H6), Naphthene/ Cycloalkane/
Cycloparaffin/ Cyclane (CnH2n (n =/> 4)), Benezene
and most of lower aromatic compounds, Alcohol, Dipropylamine (CH3CH2CH2)2NH,
Dibutylamine (CH3CH2CH2CH2)2NH

Other specificity

Zeolite contains metal ions that are relatively free in the crystalline
structure.  These ions are easily exchanged for other metal ions. 
Then, since the diameter of the pore is slightly changed, the specificity
of adsorption is changed, as well.

The following is the order of ion exchange on A-9 type.

Ag+ > Cu2+ > H+ > Ba2+ >
Au3+ >  Th4+ > Sr2+ > Hg2+
> Cd2+ > Zn2+ > Ni2+ > Ca2+
> Co2+ > NH4+ > K+ > Na+
> Mg2+ > Li+ .

Related Products:

Zeolite, Synthetic, A-4 (Powder, Shot and Beads), Zeolite, Synthetic,
A-3 (Powder, Shot and Beads), Zeolite, Synthetic, F-9 (Powder and Shot)


Flash Point None

Manufacturer Information


For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

If the revision of product standards and packaging standards has been made, there is a case where the actual product specifications and images are different.

The prices are list prices in Japan.Please contact your local distributor for your retail price in your region.

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