Immunoaffinity column for mycotoxin clean-up

MycoCatch Total Aflatoxins


This pretreatment column is for purification and concentration when analyzing aflatoxins (B1,B2, G1, G2, and M1) in food.
Manufactured by Nipponham Resarch & Development Center


  • Broad range of foods: cereals, nuts, seeds, fruits, legumes, spices, processed foods, etc.
  • Excellent organic solvent resistance: it is possible to purify the diluted samples at methanol concentrations up to 40% and acetonitrile concentrations up to 10%.
  • Excellent fluidity and a good recovery rate: good fluidity with a short purification time and a good recovery rate.
  • It is also possible to clean up aflatoxin M1: it is possible to purify aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2, and M1)


Spike and recovery test

When 10 ng/g of total aflatoxin (B1: B2: G1: G2= 1: 1: 1: 1) is added to each milled sample.

Item Sample Recovery rate(%)
B1 B2 G1 G2
Cereals Buckwheat flour 109.8 90.9 88.9 94.1
Nuts and seeds White sesame 88.6 90.8 94.6 95.0
Black sesame 93.7 88.7 93.1 92.9
Fruits Dried figs 92.2 91.7 93.7 93.1
Beans Cocoa beans 98.3 94.8 107.1 100.1
Roasted coffee 85.4 85.7 86.2 89.5
Raw coffee 91.2 89.0 103.0 92.2
Spices Paprika 90.9 87.5 82.9 89.7
White pepper 71.4 87.6 83.1 90.3
Black pepper 93.7 89.4 91.1 90.7
Chili powder 83.4 82.7 85.8 84.4
Cardamom 77.2 76.7 83.3 82.7
Nutmeg 94.7 82.7 75.5 90.3
Turmeric 73.9 74.3 75.9 79.4
Processed foods Roasted peanuts 97.3 97.5 104.3 98.6
Peanut butter 100.8 99.0 105.7 101.0
Chocolate 92.2 92.3 98.3 95.9
Houttuynia cordata 70.5 71.0 79.9 76.8
Hato barley tea 73.9 76.3 88.8 83.3
Buckwheat tea 98.7 98.8 103.2 100.1
Cocoa 100.7 80.3 90.7 84.8

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For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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The prices are list prices in Japan.Please contact your local distributor for your retail price in your region.

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