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LabAssay™ Phospholipid

for Cellbiology
Manufacturer :
FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation
Storage Condition :
Keep at 2-10 degrees C.
  • Label
Product Number
Package Size
Barcode No

In stock in Japan


Product Specification Sheet
Package Insert
Certificate of Analysis

Kit component

Kit component

Buffer Solution 50 mL x 3 bottles
Chromogen Substrate for 50 mL x 3 bottles
Standard Solution 5 mL x 1 bottle



Phospholipids are known as not only as major component of cell membranes but also perform vital functions within the body such as emulsification and absorption of fats or coagulation of blood.

Assay principle

Phospholipids are hydrolyzed by Phospholipase D to release hydrogen peroxide. The formed hydrogen peroxide promotes oxidative condensation of N-ethyl-N-(2-hydroxy-3-sulfopropyl)-3,5-dimethoxyaniline sodium salt(DAOS) with 4-aminoantipyrine. LabAssay™ Phospholipid is a kit to determine Phospholipid concentration in samples by measuring absorbance of a blue color which is generated by the oxidative condensation reaction.


Sample Serum, Plasma, Cell Culture Supernates
Target animals Human, Mouse, Rat, Dog, Cat
Standard curve range 75.0 ~ 596.1 mg/dL (mg/100 mL)
Measurement time Approx. 10 min.
Amount of sample 2 μL
Measurement wavelength 600 nm(Main), 700 nm(Sub)

Standard Curve



Test Standard Blank
Chromogen reagent 300 μL 300 μL 300 μL
Sample Serum 2 μL Standard solution 2 μL
Mix well and incubate at 37℃ for 5 min. Measure the absorbance at 600nm*2 of the test sample and standard solution with the blank solution as the control.

*2: In two wavelength assay, measure using Main wavelength 600 nm/Sub wavelength 700 nm.


Spike-and-Recovery Test

Spike and Recovery Test of Phospholipid, a known amount of standard is spiked into in human,mouse,rat sample n=2

Human Sample Spike(mg/dL) Mean(mg/dL) Recovery(mg/dL) Recovery(%)
Serum 0.0 216.6 -   -
152.4 361.6 145.0 95.2%
204.2 412.4 195.8 95.9%
262.3 462.8 246.2 93.9%
314.2 521.9 305.3 97.1%
Plasma (EDTA) 0.0 216.5 -  - 
152.4 359.7 143.2 94.0%
204.2 403.5 187.0 91.6%
262.3 466.6 250.1 95.3%
314.2 533.5 317.0 100.9%
Rat Sample Spike(mg/dL) Mean(mg/dL) Recovery(mg/dL) Recovery(%)
Serum 0.0 138.1 -   -
152.4 291.0 152.9 100.3%
204.2 345.1 207.0 101.4%
262.3 395.4 257.3 98.1%
314.2 459.7 321.6 102.3%
Plasma (EDTA) 0.0 97.8  - - 
152.4 246.3 148.5 97.4%
204.2 298.6 200.8 98.3%
262.3 352.3 254.5 97.0%
314.2 422.5 324.7 103.3%
Mouse Sample Spike(mg/dL) Mean(mg/dL) Recovery(mg/dL) Recovery(%)
Serum 0.0 285.3 -   -
152.4 438.1 152.8 100.2%
204.2 486.6 201.3 98.6%
262.3 532.0 246.7 94.0%
314.2 601.3 316.0 100.6%
Plasma (EDTA) 0.0 111.5 -  - 
152.4 256.5 145.0 95.1%
204.2 311.2 199.7 97.8%
262.3 368.5 257.0 98.0%
314.2 432.7 321.1 102.2%

Linearity-of-Dilution Test

  • Human sample
  • Rat sample
  • Mouse sample

Example of measurement

Human serum, pooled, male
No. Measured(mg/dL) Mean (mg/dL) SD CV(%)
1 240.0 223.9 231.9 11.4 4.9
Human plasma K2EDTA, pooled, male
No. Measured(mg/dL) Mean (mg/dL) SD CV(%)
1 211.0 212.6 211.8 1.10 0.5
  • 20% Diluted Normal Mouse serum, CD-1(ICR), male
    No. Measured(mg/dL) Mean (mg/dL) SD CV(%)
    1 242.1 239.8 241.0 1.60 0.7
    2 213.6 214.2 213.9 0.44 0.2
    3 185.5 180.8 183.1 3.30 1.8
    4 201.5 194.7 198.1 4.86 2.5
    5 166.8 175.3 171.0 5.97 3.5
  • Normal Mouse plasma K2EDTA, CD-1(ICR), male
    No. Measured(mg/dL) Mean (mg/dL) SD CV(%)
    1 108.2 114.5 111.4 4.45 4.0
    2 124.1 121.8 122.9 1.61 1.3
    3 107.0 99.7 103.4 5.15 5.0
    4 120.2 109.7 115.0 7.41 6.4
    5 134.4 135.2 134.8 0.58 0.4
  • 10% Diluted Normal Rat serum, Sprague Dawley, male
    No. Measured(mg/dL) Mean (mg/dL) SD CV(%)
    1 137.6 131.5 134.6 4.28 3.2
    2 201.3 197.3 199.3 2.88 1.4
    3 167.3 169.6 168.5 1.62 1.0
    4 159.7 160.2 160.0 0.33 0.2
    5 166.0 161.1 163.5 3.52 2.2
  • Normal Rat plasma K2EDTA, Sprague Dawley, male
    No. Measured(mg/dL) Mean (mg/dL) SD CV(%)
    1 99.0 96.4 97.7 1.84 1.9
    2 126.9 118.7 122.8 5.82 4.7
    3 109.5 106.2 107.9 2.35 2.2
    4 121.3 110.7 116.0 7.50 6.5
    5 129.3 113.9 121.6 10.9 8.9
  • Normal Canine serum, Beagle, male
    No. Measured(mg/dL) Mean
    SD CV(%) Age(years)
    1 365.7 381.0 373.3 7.64 2.0 4
    2 283.8 264.4 274.1 9.74 3.6 6
    3 375.1 334.2 354.6 20.49 5.8 6
    4 287.5 288.0 287.8 0.26 0.1 11
    5 459.9 484.8 472.3 12.47 2.6 12
    6 300.2 306.3 303.3 3.06 1.0 6
    7 271.8 278.4 275.1 3.34 1.2 10
    8 276.4 279.3 277.8 1.46 0.5 4
  • Normal Canine plasma EDTA, Beagle, male
    No. Measured(mg/dL) Mean
    SD CV(%) Age(years)
    1 340.4 316.2 328.3 12.11 3.7 4
    2 321.5 345.1 333.3 11.76 3.5 6
    3 351.1 374.4 362.8 11.69 3.2 10
    4 322.8 327.0 324.9 2.10 0.6 12
    5 337.4 364.0 350.7 13.27 3.8 6
    6 303.3 316.7 310.0 6.72 2.2 11
    7 318.9 321.5 320.2 1.31 0.4 10
    8 310.7 306.0 308.4 2.35 0.8 12
  • Normal Feline serum, Short hair, male
    No. Measured(mg/dL) Mean
    SD CV(%) Age(years)
    1 244.8 246.4 245.6 0.80 0.3 3
    2 193.7 188.3 191.0 2.69 1.4 3
    3 236.3 240.1 238.2 1.89 0.8 6
    4 229.7 229.9 229.8 0.13 0.1 4
    5 226.7 227.4 227.0 0.38 0.2 6
    6 239.8 236.2 238.0 1.80 0.8 6
    7 305.3 299.4 302.3 2.93 1.0 1
    8 159.6 157.6 158.6 0.98 0.6 1
  • Normal Feline plasma EDTA, Short hair, male
    No. Measured(mg/dL) Mean
    SD CV(%) Age(years)
    1 214.5 212.0 213.3 1.24 0.6 0.5
    2 114.9 116.9 115.9 0.98 0.8 1
    3 199.8 194.8 197.3 2.52 1.3 3
    4 180.9 184.6 182.8 1.85 1.0 0.5
    5 195.6 201.5 198.5 2.94 1.5 3
    6 143.7 139.3 141.5 2.21 1.6 3
    7 168.2 166.3 167.2 0.92 0.5 0.5
    8 183.7 178.2 181.0 2.73 1.5 1



  • LabAssay
    639-51001 (Previous code)
    LABPLIP-M1 (Previous code)
    296-63801 (Previous code)

For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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Reception hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 - 15:00 (CET)For other hours than the above, please contact us via the inquiry form.