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TaDiAS-[(4R,5R)-2,2-dipropyl-N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(4-methylbenzyl)] Bis(tetrafluoroborate)

for Organic Synthesis
Manufacturer :
FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation
Storage Condition :
Keep at RT.
Molecular Formula :
Molecular Weight :
  • Structural Formula
  • Label
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Product Number
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Barcode No
List Price
JPY 9,800


Product Specification Sheet
Certificate of Analysis
Calibration Certificate

Overview / Applications

Outline This product is for research use only. Do not administer it to human.

[Green Chemistry]TaDiAS

TaDiAS (Tartrate-derived DiAmmonium Salt), an asymmetric phase-transfer catalyst which contains 2 quarternary ammonium salts in its molecule, was developed by the Shibasaki group of The University of Tokyo.(It is considered that) TaDiAS is believed to produce high asymmetric yields of asymmetric compounds by fixation of the anion position in asymmetric space as a result of the collaboration of 2 quarternary ammonium salts.TaDiAS, the iodide salt, show high catalytic activity and high enantioselectivity in asymmetric alkylation of alpha-amino acid derivatives. TaDiAS, the tetrafluoroboric acid, show high catalytic activity and high enantioselectivity in asymmetric Michael addition of alpha-amino acid derivatives1) 2)


  1. T. Shibuguchi, Y. Fukuta, Y. Akachi, A. Sekine, T. Ohshima, M. Shibasaki : Tetrahedron Lett., 43, 9539 (2002).
  2. T. Ohshima, V. Gnanadesikan, T. Shibuguchi, Y. Fukuta, T. Nemoto, M. Shibasaki : J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125, 11206 (2003).


Appearance White - nearly white, crystals - crystalline powder

Manufacturer Information


For research use or further manufacturing use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Product content may differ from the actual image due to minor specification changes etc.

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