1. TOP
  2. Example of our services ISO9001 compliant
  3. Changing package size and package materials

Changing package size and package materials

Package size


The current package size of a product is 500 mL. We would like the product be supplied in a larger size one.


We will ask you about the preferred package size of the product, propose our optimum package size. We also provide various of package size.


We developed 10KG package size product.

Package materials


Is it possible to replace the current cardboard outer packaging material with a more shock-resistant material ?


We will propose a variety of packaging forms (specifications) such as plastic containers and fiber drums. It is also possible to change not only the outer but also inner materials.


We have changed the outer material to plastic and internal structure from a double to triple-layer structure.

Moisture-proof measures for powder products


Since our product of concern is a hygroscopic powder, it is sometimes difficult to use the product in manufacturing due to occurrence of clumping during storage. Is it possible to improve the powder formulation process to minimize or prevent moisture absorption during storage?


We propose that you use moisture-proof packaging such as with aluminum foil lamination. Details of packaging specifications and operational procedures that should not disturb operations at the factory site will be established and proposed after our mutual discussion.


We have shipped multiple trial packaging to the customer and received notification of acceptance for packaging with specifications that provided satisfactory test results.